The Top Programming Languages for Full Stack Development

By Manas Kochar Category Full Stack Reading time 10.5 mins Published on May 26, 2023

The Top Programming Languages for Full Stack Development

Are you planning to prepare for full stack development courses or interviews? If yes, understandingfull-stack languageswill elevate your resume's standard. Your knowledge of the languages and skills are the focal point while learning and undertaking interviews. But with multiple full stack developer languages, it can get confusing when prioritizing or choosing a particular language.

Every language has its benefits and uses, making them helpful to developers. You must master the relevant languages and their functions to understand when and where to use them.

Your control over the languages also improves your skills. However, preparing with languages requires lots of practice to help you gain experience as a full-stack developer.

You can start by understanding what full-stack development is.

There are two main ways (front and back end) of creating programs. The front end deals with client-side development, which forms the look of an application. The back end handles the server-side operation, or how the program functions.

The full stack consists of both these methods (front and back end). The developers also need to have knowledge of Database Management Systems (DBMS). Therefore, a full-stack developer must know front-end development, back-end development, and database languages.

Now that you've understood full stack development, let's continue further to see which full stack developer languages you must learn.

List of Best Full Stack Developer Languages

Front-end Programming Languages

1. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

It is an important coding language used to create online apps. It is also a markup language that shows details of how the software layout should look. Here, we can easily interlink the multiple layers of software with each other.

This full-stack language uses tags to show the components of the application. Most notably, we can observe the use of HTML to structure the internet.

HTML5 proves to be the latest development in the language. It has multiple new functions and enhancements over previous versions. For example, you can work and add images offline using HTML5.


  • HTML is easy to use, runs on every operating system, and has a simple syntax.
  • It is helpful for beginners to understand web design. It offers a simple architecture that comes with already determined labels and attributes.
  • It is free to use.


  • HTML might be unsafe for users as it provides limited security.
  • It has complex coding and requires long lines of coding for a basic webpage. It may be tough for the testing team to navigate through long lines of coding.

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2. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

CSS is used along with HTML to structure the look and feel of a website or an application. CSS provides frameworks such as Bulma, Bootstrap, Foundation, Tailwind CSS, and Skeleton to manage the software's appearance. It adds style and color to HTML elements to create a layout that is visually impressive.

CSS helps manage web pages across their development phases. It is also easy to use, as various web pages can utilize a single CSS file. The few features CSS entails are as follows :

  • The capacity to produce web pages within a software
  • Fit for all operating systems
  • Application stability.


  • CSS offers quickness in its compilation. Companies utilize this language to ensure fast load time.
  • CSS needs low maintenance, as just one line of code alteration can change the application's layout. It requires fewer changes in CSS to make improvements in the code.
  • A faster load time also ensures the efficiency of the application. Developers require less time in the development process and save valuable time and effort.
  • CSS provides consistency to web pages. Developers can ensure the design features are consistent across the website.
  • CSS can also run on platforms like mobile devices, PCs, or laptops.


  • There are various CSS levels like CSS2, CSS3, and more. It can get difficult for beginners to understand CSS.
  • CSS is not compatible with any browser. It may not run similarly across all browsers, therefore developers have to check its implementation manually. It can also increase the workload for developers.
  • CSS also offers restricted security.

3. JavaScript

JavaScript is a powerful coding language. You need a basic understanding of front-end programming to code in Java. Some popular uses of JS are Facebook and Youtube, which have created their web pages and application windows based on JS.

JS is a scripting programming language. You can execute functions such as working on graphics, modifying page content, etc. JS mainly determines the interface of an application.

JS helps provide the ability to connect to other relevant applications and make them more engaging. It is also used in back-end programming via Node.js.


  • Being an interpreted language, JS minimizes compilation time. Since it is also a client-side language, the program implementation speeds up as it rescues the need to link with the server.
  • It is simple and helps developers create dynamic websites. It is cost-efficient and suitable for complex code implementation.
  • JS is compatible with every browser.
  • Many developers choose JS as their language choice as it works nicely alongside other languages. It offers interoperability by combining with other programming languages or inside a webpage.
  • Developers get many rich interfaces in JS that they can use to create pleasant-looking applications. Slider, drag and drop are some of the few presents in JS.


  • Being a client-side language, JS code is visible to everyone. People can use it without authentication with bas intent. This weakens the security as someone may alter the code.
  • JS cannot run the inheritance feature in OOPs format. It cannot perform multiple inheritances.

Back-end Programming Languages

1. Python

Python is by far the most popular programming language for developers. Its general-purpose, high-level, and interpretable language makes it easy to develop quickly. It's simple syntax, usability in all fields, and wide variety of applications serve aita popular option among developers.

Along with this full-stack language, you must also learn the Django framework created in Python. Full-stack developers may employ Python to create a variety of apps. These include educational, study, and scientific-based applications, as Python is fast to execute and improves math operations.


  • It runs object-oriented and procedural programming.
  • It is a flexible language that is simple to understand. It is a great first choice for most beginner programmers.
  • It provides efficiency in development as it does not require compilation overhead. It is preferable for rapid application development.
  • Python automatically allocates memory, has vast intrinsic libraries and methods, and is a free-to-use open-source platform.


  • Python is not efficient in minimizing memory usage. It may utilize more RAM than other languages. It is not a nice option for memory-restricted usage.
  • Most errors in Python are not resolved until runtime. As it does not compile beforehand, finding errors when writing the codes is comparatively harder.

2. Java

Java acts as an OOPS (Object-Oriented Programming Language). It's so powerful in developing entire applications. Moreover, it does not depend on only one platform. It can execute on any platform/device that can handle its environment.

It is a popular language due to its flexible environment and efficiency in programming. This language is mainly employed for back-end applications but is also used for various software types. Languages such as Java are essential for full stack developers. They have applications in multiple development phases like app creation, management, and conception.


  • Java offers simple, clear and easy-to-understand coding. The implementation is much easier in Java than in C or C++.
  • Java provides better security and implementation using the OOPs concept. Developers use Java to work with real-world problems.
  • Java is compatible with any operating system, reducing the development cost.
  • It is stable and highly portable. As it is platform-independent, it can run on any device. Java also receives regular updates, which cleans bugs found in the previous versions.


  • Compared to C/C++, Java requires more memory for compilation. Due to JVM (Java Virtual Machine), it is slower to run as JVM's backend functions affect the compilation time of the code.
  • Java does not provide a backup of users' data. It only stores the data.

3. PHP

PHP offers a diverse set of uses. It is best utilized in building web programs. It is the primary back-end language that can be integrated with HTML. This open-source application is useful for full-stack web developers and has a large online audience.

Furthermore, it is among the most effective full stack developer languages for creating web-based applications. We can also build advertising and media applications. It's quick, safe, and adaptable.


  • It is perfect for large-scale projects that require scripting. It offers faster loading and better performance overall.
  • Several functionalities, syntax, frameworks, libraries, and databases are free in PHP.
  • It offers efficiency and speed with the help of its easily understandable syntax. PHP apps are upto three times faster than other programming language apps like Python.


  • It is not as versatile as other languages. Developers cannot use PHP for projects that require extensive usage, such as machine learning.
  • It is also not as sufficient in removing errors and bugs. The debugging tools provided are inefficient.

4. C++

C++ is another computer language that is object-oriented and multi-use. It is appropriate for newcomers as it is written in plain English. This back-end development language is portable, allowing programmers to utilize it rapidly and effectively. Due to its flexible code and a high degree of efficiency, C++ is ideal for a Web Development Course.


  • It can run on various platforms with ease. It is highly portable and convenient for users.
  • C++ offers OOPs in the codes. Data abstraction, inheritance, classes, encapsulation, and polymorphism are just some concepts provided.
  • A developer has full control over the memory management in C++.
  • It can run small-scale and large-scale applications with ease.


  • It offers the concept of a pointer that is a complex subject and also requires more memory. Wild pointers can crash the system if not used properly.
  • It lacks the garbage collector feature, which automatically extracts unwanted data.

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Database Languages

1. SQL (Structured Query Language)

SQL is used to create, define, implement, access, and manage relational databases. Web developers mainly use SQL to access data from databases. It is suitable for use in data-driven applications. It can access and manipulate data in Sybase, MySQL, and Oracle database systems.

As most web pages need back-end storage facilities, SQL comes in handy for providing a strong command for database management. Full stack developers need knowledge of databases, as they're used for applications containing sensitive information.


  • SQL is very user-friendly and simple. It has basic functions such as ALTER, INSERT, SELECT, and more which are easy to comprehend.
  • It works efficiently, which is why SQL is mostly preferred. It runs large amounts of data in a quick span of time.
  • It is a standardised language for query manipulation, making it more suitable than other options.
  • It offers portability and interactivity to its users.


  • Its bad interface makes a simple task difficult. It is tough engaging with databases using SQL.
  • It is not cheap and provides restricted control over databases.
  • SQL databases are unsafe as they hold sensitive information and experience constant security threats.

2. GraphQL

It is an open-source full stack developer language that provides detailed interactive interfaces for users. It can identify the form of information. It also describes how the device provides this data to ensure that sensitive information is not distributed.

It's useful for gathering data from several APIs, combining information from numerous sources, or effectively defining data.


  • It is quicker as users can select the specific field to query.
  • GraphQL can merge with various systems. Vast infrastructures or APIs that are tough to handle can benefit from using GraphQL.
  • It collects only specific information with just one request, so it avoids over-fetching and under-fetching.


  • It is more difficult to construct a simpler cache using GraphQL than REST.
  • The rate-limiting feature is tough to implement in GraphQL.


It is a challenging way to become a full stack developer. One can understand the field through full stack developer courses and languages used widely throughout various applications. These full stack languages will not only improve your knowledge but also prove helpful in landing interviews.

Do you wish to study more about languages? Then join the full stack software development program. It teaches and provides sufficient practical applications of these languages in live sessions.

Online certification courses help you enhance your knowledge and easily land an interview with your preferred company.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which is the most user-friendly full stack developer language?

Python is widely recognized as one of the most popular full stack developer languages. It is simple to learn and assists programmers in quickly creating flexible websites.

2. Which languages can I study to improve my salary?

Every language related to full stack plays a prominent role in career development. But to be precise here are a few of the top full stack languages you can study for a better salary

  • Javascript

  • HTML

  • Java

  • Angular

  • JQuery

3. Which is easier to learn:- Java or Python Full Stack?

If you're seeking a career in web development, Java Full Stack could be a better fit. However, if you want to develop software quickly and easily, Python Full Stack could be a better option.

4. How simple is full stack?

Being a full stack developer is not easy. You need various skills and an understanding of the development process. For example, knowledge of front-end, back-end, databases, frameworks, and web servers is essential.

5. Who should study Full Stack?

Due to the immense popularity of full stack developer, many pursue this job in the tech sector. It is a career that demands people to be incredibly adaptable and have great IT skill sets. Those who want to become versatile experts in their field should pursue full stack.