An image titled 'Machine Learning Models' depicts an AI-powered robot standing and working in front of a large screen.

Types of Machine Learning Models - Quickly Explained

By Nivin Biswas Category Machine Learning Reading time 8-9 mins Published on Jan 9, 2023

Know The Different Types of Machine Learning Models

The importance of Machine learning models is growing rapidly, which has fascinated the entire world. All of these machine-learning models aid in the deconstruction of receptive human work, and the decision-making architecture aids in completing work by machine and robotic processes with no human intervention.

Looking ahead, we can see that the machine learning model has progressed to the point where we can complete any task utilizing its full capacity.

Machine learning has improved every computer system architecture in numerous ways; however, this blog is mainly focused on the terminology of machine learning models. All of the machine learning models we'll discuss are essential to the evolution and classification of technology and architecture in 2023 and for the next 5 years.

What is a machine learning model?

Before delving into different machine learning models, we should first define a machine learning model. As a result, the machine learning model in development can quickly discover patterns and make decisions based on the data set. It also aids in analyzing and identifying the mix of words and auditory sentences for natural language processing (NLP).

Machine learning employs algorithms, which can aid in sorting through large amounts of data to get a simple conclusion.

To work with machine learning technology, you do not need to be concerned with creating codes; instead, you may utilize no code machine learning technology to proceed with the working process of machine learning models.

In any computing term, the machine learning model is divided into 3 types:-

  1. Supervised machine learning
  2. Unsupervised machine learning
  3. Reinforcement learning
A supervised learning model shows a data set training mechanism utilizing violet, green, and pink balls, and when the output is violet balls, it creates a separate data set for the subsequent output.

1. Supervised machine learning:-

Supervised learning models are intended to provide a user with a training set as well as a set of desired outcomes. It is one of the simplest machine learning models, and it is built on the three steps in a standard way.

  1. Finding the new data set
  2. The necessity of the functions that can easily calculate and predict the inaccuracy, as the function here is not part of the previous data set.
  3. The requirement for an error prediction function that can be calculated using supervised learning.

All three processes combine to make supervised learning a simple and powerful instrument for results. Supervised learning aims to build a function that can predict outputs with high accuracy for data that it has never seen before.

Use cases:-

  • It can be applied to marketing, sales, and churn prediction.
  • It aids in forecasting time series.
  • It assists with stock and weather forecasting.

2. Unsupervised machine learning:-

Unsupervised machine learning tries to divide the data set into several classes by analyzing the different patterns. Here, the mapping function takes data from each input and identifies the types of classes from the data set.

Unsupervised machine learning is a method in which we mainly focus on finding patterns with large data sets and smaller subsets with similar patterns. Using features detected in the data, unsupervised learning creates a mapping function that categorizes the data.

Use cases:-

  • Unsupervised machine learning aids in customer segmentation techniques for establishing businesses and markets.

  • It supports biological DNA clustering.

  • We may create a recommendation system using unsupervised learning.

Reinforcement learning (RL) mechanism flow chart with an Agent, Environment, Reward, State, and Action for RL process demonstration.

3. Reinforcement learning (RL):-

Reinforcement learning is essentially a supervised machine learning approach, which means we require a trainer to run RL models. The RL model is designed to learn the action for a given set of states that lead to a goal sequence.

In other words, rather than reporting faults after each example, it receives a reinforcement signal when the algorithm reaches the desired state. This technique is analogous to human learning in that feedback is delivered only when a circumstance deserves a reward.

Use case:-

  • We can utilize RL to optimize game simulation and game creation in a synthetic environment.
  • We can apply the RL algorithm to self-driving cars.
  • Robots could also employ RL to carry out tiresome and repetitive activities.

If we take any inferences from this machine learning. we can divide models further into five subcategories.

These five categories are as stated in the preceding section.

I. Classification Models
II. Regression Models
III. Clustering
IV. Dimensionality Reduction
V. Deep Learning

1. Classification model:-

Generally, classification tools are a type of machine learning tool that aid in prediction. Based on a limited number of possibilities, it can be applied to different types of object classes or object types. The standard output is always a subset of a category that is based on an output parameter. For instance, it can categorize and forecast whether a message is spam or not.

2. Regression model:-

Regression models work with a problem set that has an output variable with a constant value. We must employ the regression model that allows us to forecast the most favorable results depending on the many input parameters. For example, in a conventional regression task, we can obtain the market commodity value of any financial institution.

Regression models are further categorized as follows:

  • Decision Tree
  • Random Forest
  • Linear Regression
An image shows the clustering mechanism, in which we utilize violet, red, and blue balls as data sets, which aids in organizing all of the data sets together in similar order.

3. Clustering:-

Clustering is a machine-learning technique that can be applied to similar objects and datasets. As a result, this approach aids in automatically identifying objects with similar identities without the need for human involvement. It has been an essential aspect of supervised machine learning models since it provides a way to generate homogeneous data sets required for training models.

4. Dimensionality reduction:-

We may reduce the number of variables in a dataset by using dimensionality reduction. Researchers can easily employ such models when dealing with large amounts of parameters. Hence the dimensionality reduction help in the preservation of variance with a small set of variables that helps find the answer.

5. Deep Learning:-

Deep learning is a fundamentally numeric network architecture-based machine learning technique. The mathematical equations used by the neural network architecture take input variables and process them via the equation to produce an output variable.

Deep learning algorithm has evolved significantly in recent years due to the usage of neural network architectures in several applications, such as computer vision, NLP, NLU, and other. Several significant deep learning models are as follows:-

  • Autoencoders

  • Boltzmann Machine

  • Convolution Neural Networks

  • Multi-layer perceptron

  • Recurrent Neural Networks

Summing up:-

In this blog, we have discussed various types of machine learning models. While machine learning models are extremely powerful, it is critical to recognize that they are not without defects. They are still in their infancy and lack human-like decision-making abilities. Keeping this in mind, you should constantly strive to work with machines rather than against them. To learn more about machine learning algorithms and models, follow us on Facebook, YouTube, and Linkedin.

Thank you for reading!