A banner image titled 'Python Libraries for Machine Learning' shows a robot powered by artificial intelligence is standing by a laptop and pointing to the  laptop display. The display shows a Python logo.

Top 3 Python Libraries for Machine Learning!

By Nivin Biswas Category Machine Learning Reading time 8-9 mins Published on Jan 11, 2023

Expertising These 3 Python Libraries Can Help You Deal With All Level ML Complexities

Python programming language has significantly proven its uses in today's technological world. The use of Python libraries for machine learning has created a well-acknowledged flexible environment for developers. This article will examine several Python libraries for machine learning with the capabilities for handling most machine-learning tasks.

Additionally, merging python libraries for Machine learning frameworks helps developers to design and build algorithms that can easily improve in aiding pattern recognition, and prediction, without the need for human intervention. Accordingly, we can use various types of machine learning frameworks, tools, modules, libraries, and software to build various user-friendly applications.

What are machine learning libraries?

To be more simple and more precise, the ML library is a collection of useful functions and processes. These play an essential role in the development process, saving developers a lot of time by deducing codes and replacing them with already written codes. ML libraries give specific coding functionality by saving developers from writing repetitive code.

Now let's dive into the 3 most used Python Libraries for Machine Learning

A logo of the TensorFlow library. The text on the left reads, 'TensorFlow.'


A library called TensorFlow was created primarily to deal with the conceptual underpinnings and operational applications of deep learning. TensorFlow is one of the best libraries accessible when a business is looking for a suitable deep-learning platform.

TensorFlow applications are composed primarily of various APIs (application programming languages), which are broadly classified into two categories:-

A. Low-Level API:-

  1. Because it provides complete programming control, low-level API is always recommended for machine learning research.

  2. TensorFlow Core is TensorFlow's low-level API.

B. High-Level API:-

  1. A high-level API is built on top of TensorFlow Core, making it very simple to learn and implement.

  2. High-level API is demonstrated by tf.contrib.learn.

To work with the TensorFlow library, you just need to get through the installation process of TensorFlow, here is the link that can surely help you in installing TensorFlow with ease.

After importing TensorFlow into Python, you can begin programming using the following. Below is a simple demonstration and explanation of code that will undoubtedly help you understand the TensorFlow implementation: -

# importing TensorFlow
 import TensorFlow as tf
# creating nodes
 node1 = tf.constant(2, dtype=tf.int32)
 node2 = tf.constant(3, dtype=tf.int32)
 node3 = tf.add(node1, node2)
# create a TensorFlow session object
 sess = tf.compat.v1.Session()
# running node3 and printing the outcome
 print("sum of node1 and node2 is :",sess.run(node3))
# endingn the session


  1. In this section, we will first implement the code by importing the TensorFlow library.

  2. In the second phase, we built two nodes in machine learning models, Node1 and Node2, which are in the form of tf.int32.

  3. In the third stage, the code creates a new value by combining both nodes as distributed training, resulting in a new node named Node 3, also in the form of tf.int32.

  4. The code then constructs a session object by utilizing the TensorFlow library's Python 3 compatibility layer (v1).

  5. Then, we'll use the session object to perform operations on nodes.

  6. Finally, after creating a session object with executing methods, we can use it to print the output of Node 3 by launching an object session.

  7. Eventually, the code starts a TensorFlow session object and prints the results in Node 3.

An illustration shows a python professional seated in front of a big laptop display is working on a laptop. The text on the big display reads, 'scikit learn' accompanied by it's logo.

2. Scikit-learn:-

One of the most accessible packages for implementing machine learning algorithms in Python is called Scikit learn. These python libraries for machine learning can utilize data mining and analytic algorithms frequently used in clustering, selection, data visualization, and forecasting. It is an open-source library that is easily accessible to everyone.

Scikit Learn's most recent version, 1.1, requires an iPhone with OS 3.8 or a later version. Additionally, it is crucial to maintain the dependence on Scikit Learn, which primarily depends on Numpy and Spicy.

Insertion of data set:-

The Iris dataset is about to be imported into this section of SKlearn. The iris dataset is already there in Scikit Learn Python, so there is no need to import it from any source. This data collection can be quickly improved, but we must proceed carefully. Here we need to import the libraries Using the Scikit learn and panda libraries command -

import Sklearn
import pandas as PD
# Importing the dataset from the datasets module of sklearn
 from Sklearn.datasets import load_iris

# Loading the dataset
iris = load_iris()

# Creating the data frame of the dataset
df = pd.DataFrame(iris.data, columns = iris.feature_names)


  1. The initial step is to import datasets from the existing SKlearn data set module.

  2. The dataset must then be loaded using iris = load iris in the second step ().

  3. After uploading an iris data set, a data frame is named PD.DataFrame(iris. data, columns = iris. feature names) is constructed.

  4. The code then learns and tests the data set by calling load iris() on a pandas data frame object.

Following such a step, we can easily insert any Scikit learn data set, in the machine learning algorithm.

A logo of PyTorch library.

3. PyTorch:-

With so many deep learning frameworks and algorithms to choose from, it can be challenging to know which one to employ. However, the Pytorch might be the better option.

This is because Pytorch has many benefits, such as free and open-source licenses that anyone can use. Additionally, it may be utilized in applications such as NLP and computer vision. PyTorch basically applies to works in the form of tensors.

The PyTorch tensor is a multi-dimensional array comparable to NumPy arrays. The main difference between the NumPy array and PyTorch Tensor is that the tensor may be used on GPUs. We may implement various functions and scientific analyses using PyTorch Tensors.

Basically, PyTorch Tensor has two characteristics:

  • The quantity of dimensions is known as rank.

  • Dimension of an array or matrix called shape.

Here is the basic programming and description that will undoubtedly aid your understanding:-

# importing torch
 import torch
# creating a tensors
pt1=torch.tensor([4, 5, 6, 7])
pt2=torch.tensor([[4, 5, 6, 7],
 [8, 9, 10, 11],
 [12, 13, 14, 15]])
# printing the tensors:
 print("Tensor pt1: \n", t1)
 print("\nTensor pt2: \n", t2)
# Class of tensors
 print("\nClass of pt1: ", len(t1.shape))
 print("Class of pt2: ", len(t2.shape))
# shape of tensors
 print("\nClass of pt1: ", t1.shape)
 print("Class of pt2: ", t2.shape)


  Tensor pt1:

  tensor([4, 5, 6, 7])

  Tensor pt2:

  tensor([[4, 5, 6, 7],

  [8, 9, 10, 11],

  [12, 13, 14, 15]])

  Class of pt1: 1

  Class of pt2: 2

  Class of pt1: torch.Size([4])

  Class of pt2: torch.Size([3, 4])


  1. The code in this section begins by importing the PyTorch library.

  2. In the second stage, we create a Tensor with only 4 elements and 5 rows.

  3. The tensor's shape is now (4,5).

  4. The following line generates a tensor with 8 elements and 9 rows.

  5. The tensor's shape has changed (8,9).

  6. The final line represents the third tensor once more, with 12 elements and 13 rows.

  7. This tensor's shape has now changed (12,13).

  8. The code will print the following: Tensor pt1: 4 5 6 7 Class of pt1: 3 Class of pt2: 2.

To summarise:-

So these are the most commonly used Python libraries for machine learning that every technological enthusiast should be aware of; there are many more libraries that are used in the daily technological world. In fact, choosing an artificial intelligence or machine learning career will be the most intelligent decision in the current scenario.

And the best part is anyone with basic statistical and coding knowledge can choose a machine learning career transition. Upskilling with Python libraries for machine learning does not demand an extensive and advanced level of coding knowledge. If you hold basic coding abilities an industry-grade artificial intelligence certification course can help.