Top Full Stack Interview Questions and Answers in 2023

By Manas Kochar Category Full Stack Reading time 10.5 mins Published on May 24, 2023
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The Most Useful Guide To Easily Ace the Full Stack Developer Interview Questions

The IT industry is succeeding and has reached the zenith with experienced engineers and developers. Out of them, full-stack developers have gained a sudden hype as the most demanded professionals in the industry. So, out of the 5 technical pros, 4 are pursuing different certifications to crack the full stack developer interview questions. Therefore, it is not surprising that getting into the field as a demanding full-stack developer is quite challenging.

However, it's not impossible though. With thorough preparation, you can easily ace the MNC full stack interview questions.

Is A Full Stack Developer Accountable For Creating Front-end and Back-end?

A full-stack developer has a variety of roles and responsibilities while working on applications. They mainly focus on front-end and back-end procedures. They work on the whole project independently, which is why companies need their services on priority basis.

Before you face the interview table for the role of a full stack developer, your concept of the full stack developer's responsibilities must be transparent. Your fundamentals should be strong, so you can easily review and understand the full stack interview questions asked.

A full-stack developer mandatorily needs to access knowledge of frameworks, databases, and primary languages. You need expertise in just one programming language, as required by the recruiters. Additionally, experience with web technologies like GitHub, jQuery, and Sass plays a crucial role in jobs and placements.

Most Asked Full Stack Developer Questions With Answers

1. Who is A Full-Stack Developer?

Full-stack developers are responsible for creating an application's frontend and backend. They possess skills in various programming languages, including Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Python.

2. What are the Fundamental Roles and Responsibilities of a Full Stack Developer?

A full-stack web developer's roles and responsibilities include the following:

  • Creating software specifics from company demands according to new development plans.
  • Building user interactions and experiences for software programs.
  • Creating wireframes and developing visual elements for new software applications.
  • Developing backend technologies like servers, databases, and version control systems.
  • Working on improving a software application's scalability, stability, and performance.

3. Explain the skills required by a full-stack developer.

A full-stack developer must be knowledgeable in the following:

Programming Languages: Proficiency in one or more languages is a must. They should be familiar with Java, Python, etc., and how to organize, design, develop, and test the project with these languages.

  • Frontend: Technical skills in HTML5, Angular, CSS3, etc., are really helpful. It becomes preferable if you're also familiar with Ajax, jQuery, and Sass.

  • Frameworks: Development frameworks like Spring Boot, Spring, Django, MyBatis, Hibernate, PHP, yin, js, and more are preferred.

  • Database: Knowledge of at least one database is enough, like Oracle, MySQL, and MongoDB.

[Power Tips: In the initial stage, don't try to master multiple programming languages at once. Stick to one and thoroughly expertise in the same. Later, while working as per requirement, you can learn the other gradually.]

4. Why are full-stack developers so important?

Full-stack developers may operate on a software application's server-side and client-side scripting. They boost the effectiveness and performance of the development process.

They also converse between teams. As they're skilled in multiple development phases, they can communicate clearly with frontend, backend developers, IT, and project managers.

5. Explain the strengths you have as a full-stack developer.

Some strengths a full-stack developer should have are:

  • Crisp Analysis
  • Advanced level of critical thinking
  • Unique level of versatility
  • Height level of creativity
  • Impressive level of teamwork
  • Exceptional leadership

6. What are your weaknesses as full-stack developers?

You can mention the following weaknesses:

  • Taking on excessive tasks.
  • Impatience in seeing a project completed.
  • Having anxiety while engaging with huge crowds of people.
  • An absence of knowledge of a certain programming language.
  • Having reservations about assigning work to various team members.

You want the recruiters to feel confident about your capabilities. So, don't talk too negatively about the weaknesses. Tell the recruiters how you found these weaknesses and the measures you took to solve them.

7. Explain Your Professional Goals.

Form short-term and long-term plans for the company. Research the company and its goals to tailor the answer to their requirements for a developer. Your professional goals should fit the company you're applying for.

Your short-term plans could include developing new skills or creating a competitive work environment. Long-term plans can include developing into a better developer or helping the company become a market leader.

8. How to build a full stack developer project from scratch?

Full-stack developers should know the following tools and programming languages to build a project from scratch:

➡️   Frontend Development:

  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS

➡️  Backend Development:

  • Java
  • Ruby
  • Python
  • PHP

➡️  Database Management:

  • Microsoft Access
  • Oracle
  • MySQL
  • SQLite

➡️  Technology Stacks:

  • MEAN
  • MERN
  • LAMP
  • Django

9. How is a full-stack engineer different from a full-stack web developer?

Full-stack engineers create software programs across platforms and devices, whereas full-stack developers are efficient on an application's front and back ends.

10. What steps do you take to choose the technologies and tools for a project?

Some steps you can mention are:

  • Understanding the project requirements.
  • Research similar projects to gain knowledge of the tech stack.
  • Managing the tools you might require for the project according to budget.
  • Selecting languages that will help solve the tricky aspects of the project.

11. How do you optimise an existing website?

A few steps for website optimization:

  • Minimising the amount of HTTP requests the website creates.
  • Cache the data when possible.
  • Reduce the number of redirects.
  • Compress large volumes of data using tools.
  • Enhance the server-database interactions.

12. What is the difference between Abstract and Interfaces?

Abstract       Interface
Abstract classes allow you to build functionality using subclasses. An interface class, on the other hand, can specify the functionality rather than building it.
It might include both abstract and non-abstract approaches. Here the abstract methods are only available within the interface.
Final, static, non-final, and non-static elements are present. The interface class only contains final and static variables.
Abstract classes allow an interface implementation. The interface class cannot provide an abstract class implementation.
Protected and private class members are present in a Java abstract class. A Java interface has public members by default.
The 'extend' keyword extends the abstract class. The 'implement' keyword implements an interface.

13. Explain and differentiate between MVC and MVP.

MVP and MVC are architectural patterns for creating applications.

MVC (Model View Controller):

It helps create Java Enterprise Applications. MVC segments the process into Controller, View, and Model. It splits the Model and View from each other.

  • The model components include data as well as logic connected to it.
  • The view component renders model elements within the user interface.
  • Based on handler mapping, the controller takes information and calls data entities. It also sends model elements views to display output within the view layer.

MVP (Model View Presenter):

It's based on the MVC structural design. It adds an extra layer to the architectural pattern called indirection. It creates View and Presenter by separating View and Controller. Here, the presenter takes over the task of the controller.

  • In MVC, the Presenter and View are on the same level.
  • It contains the business logic of the View's user interface.
  • View requests are forwarded straight to the Presenter.
  • It keeps the activity (events) between Model and View going.
  • The Presenter cannot interact directly with the View. It does so via an interface.

Difference between MVC and MVP:

  • Web frameworks mostly employ MVC, while app development uses MVP.

  • In the MVC design structure, the controllers fail to convey data to View through the Model. It only informs the View that the data is available from the Model. However, the MVP architectural pattern couples the View and Model layers. The Presenter accepts information through the Model and offers it to the View.

14. What is Pair Programming in the IT Industry Responsible For?

Pair programming tends to rectify a process where two programmers used to work within the same terminal.

One programmer will usually write the code called a 'driver.' Another programmer, called the 'navigator,' will analyze every line of code for spell-checking and proofreading. For better results, programmers will often exchange responsibilities every few minutes.

15. What does the term CORS stand for?

CORS basically stands for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. It is a method by which we can instruct browsers to use extra HTTP headers. With it, browsers can deliver a web application that runs on one source. CORS provides access to multiple web resources across various domains.

CORS can link together web scripts once they demand a resource with a separate source (protocol, port, or domain) outside their own.

16. Define Inversion of Control (IoC).

Inversion of Control is a method used to separate system layers and components. Object-oriented programming mainly utilises IoC. A container or framework receives the control of objects or parts of an application from IoC. Several techniques, such as strategy design pattern, service locator pattern, dependency injection, and factory pattern, help achieve this.

17. Explain Multithreading.

Multithreading refers to offering several execution threads simultaneously to maximise CPU utilisation. Many threads exist inside the structure of an operation and function individually while accessing the operation's resources through multithreading.

18. What is a RESTful API?

Also called REST API, Representational State Transfer is an architectural design for an API (Application Programming Interface). It utilises HTTP requests to acquire and handle data.

This data is utilised to GET, OUT, POST, and DELETE data types, such as deletion, operation, reading, and creation-related functions.

19. How is GET Different From POST?

GET       POST
GET is a way to request information from a specific site. POST is helpful in providing information to a server to build or modify a resource.
We can cache and bookmark GET. We cannot cache and bookmark POST.
Parameters are present in the browser history for GET. Parameters do not remain in the browser history for POST.
In GET, the URL displays the data to everyone. Data is not visible in POST in the URL.
GET only allows ASCII characters. POST also allows binary data..

20. Explain the various forms of Design Patterns.

Design patterns display relationships and interactions between objects and classes. These patterns act as repetitive solutions for basic software design problems.

Types of Design Patterns:

  • Creational: Class-creational patterns and object-creational patterns are the subdivisions of these patterns. These concern class instantiation or object creation.

  • Structural: These concern the organisation of various classes and objects in order to form greater functionality and offer new functionality.

  • Behavioral: These are concerned with discovering common communication patterns among objects.

21. Explain Callback Hell.

Also known as the Pyramid of Doom, Callback Hell occurs in asynchronous programming code. It means that various functions run simultaneously. It is usually observed as a basic anti-pattern in the code. A great amount of nested 'if' functions or statements form a callback hell.

When many asynchronous functions are running simultaneously, utilisation of the callback function can make the code hard to interpret and maintain. As the asynchronous functions depend on each other, nesting so many callback functions can result in a messy coding structure that looks like a pyramid.

This type of problem creates difficulty for developers to grasp the app's workflow process. They can't debug the code further, hence it's known as Callback Hell.

22. Explain Long Polling.

It is a method of creating web page apps. It's mainly used for transferring data from servers to clients. It helps control the interlinking between a server and a client so that the client can easily request from the server. When the information is ready, long polling maintains the interlinking,

The connection is closed once the server has sent the data to the client or the timeout margin is reached.

23. Differentiate Between GraphQL and REST.

GraphQL is a popular architectural method for creating APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). It is a rival to REST, which achieves the same thing. Both intend to send information over HTTP and other types of internet protocols.

GraphQL       REST
It is an API Query language that helps declare information collection. It provides clients with full control of the data they want from the API. It is an architectural design method for APIs that creates some constraints for designing web services.
GraphQL is very predictable. Using it, you can retrieve the exact information you need without the need to include something you don't require. It is highly useful as it provides predictable outcomes. In REST, API users do not get predictable outcomes. The results depend on which HTTP and URL methods are utilized.
GraphQL provides measures for API security. However, they are not as advanced as REST. For eg. GraphQL helps integrate data validation but not authorization and authentication measures. REST provides many methods of API security. Methods such as HTTP authentication provide REST API security.
GraphQL ensures you get anything you require with a single API request. The server returns the exact structure of the data you specified, so you don't have to over-and-under fetch. REST APIs have solid data structures for the retrieval of specific information. You may need many requests before you get the desired outcome. This results in a delayed server response time.
It can run only in JSON format. It can run on many formats, such as JSON, YAML, XML, and HTML.
Mobile apps and many other microservices utilize GraphQL. Basic resource-driven apps utilize REST.

24. What is CI?

CI stands for "Continuous Integration". It refers to when developers automate and integrate code modifications into a particular application many times. It is a basic DevOps practice that helps the developers easily combine their code modifications into a main repository. Automated testing and building can be done in these repositories.

The automated tools are present to help push the code corrections before the integration process. A version control system that runs on source code is the heart of CI operation. Syntax-style review tools, automated code quality testing, and other checks are present in the version control system.

25. What are the Advantages of Continuous Integration (CI) ?

The advantages of Continuous Integration are:

  • It is easy to detect and pinpoint errors by continuous integration. Since the modifications are small, it helps detect issues quickly.
  • CI minimises Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR) as it provides minimal code modifications and simple error segregation.
  • It also reduces non-critical defects in the backlogs. Using CI in business development, small defects are easily discovered before being publicly distributed for production.

26. What are Data Attributes?

Data attributes contain an application or webpage's private customer information. They help contain additional information on basic, semantic HTML elements. This data is helpful when utilised in JavaScript's webpage in providing a better user experience.

It has two parts:

  • Must not have capitalised letters and also include a minimum of one character next to the prefix 'data-'.
  • An attribute can have a string value.

27. Explain ACID in terms of Database.

ACID Means :

  • A- Atomicity
  • C- Consistency
  • I- Isolation
  • D- Durability.

These are basic properties that ensure database transactions get handled adequately. ACID properties ensure consistent and accurate information is present in databases despite failures and errors.

  • Atomicity: It follows the "all or nothing" method. It means that all parts of the transaction should succeed. If even a single transaction fails, it results in the failure of the whole transaction.

  • Consistency: This property ensures that each piece of information is consistent. It means that the data should be valid based on all stated rules. It also includes the triggers, cascades, and constraints added to the database.

  • Isolation: It ensures that all transactions run by themselves, i.e., in isolation. No transition can affect the process of another transaction. Unless a transaction is complete, other transactions cannot read its data.

  • Durability: It means that if we commit a transaction, it remains in the database no matter what happens. Even if there is a crash, the modifications are stored permanently. Once a transaction is successful, the data is safely stored in the system.

28. Why do we need ACID?

ACID is a set of rules or principles to confirm that the data isn't changed or corrupted during the transaction process. Each transaction in a database has to follow the ACID principles to ensure the consistency and integrity of the data. ACID properties guarantee the data is safe even if a failure occurs.

An exchange of funds by two financial accounts is a transaction. In the event of a failure, cash withdrawn from one account may not be credited to the second account. It might cause significant issues.

29. What are the different kinds of failures in DBMS?

  • Transaction Failure: It occurs when the consistency property is not followed, such as by a wrong input. Deadlock or timeout also lead to transaction failure.

  • System Failure: A program bug, hardware issue, or operating system failure can cause a system failure.

  • Media Failure: It does not occur as much as the other two failures. When you cannot do read or write operations on a storage device, it is known as media failure. Either system bugs or the media itself can cause media failure.

30. Explain "use strict".

Strict mode is a new feature in ECMAScript5 which helps you use a strict operating setting to run a function or program. The strict mode is a JavaScript feature set that is applied when we pass the "use strict" statement. As a result of this action, exceptions occur as some specific actions cannot be performed.

The strict mode is a limited and more protected JavaScript feature set. You can operate the JavaScript in strict mode by specifying "use strict" on top of a function. Strict mode helps create solid, correct, and clear code by throwing more errors and disabling some features.

31. Explain the drawbacks and benefits of "use strict".

Advantages of Use Strict

  • It easily identifies coding mistakes and throws errors.
  • It can even detect mistakes that render a code difficult for optimization. It may also end in a better-performing code.
  • It also prevents the execution of an "unsafe" action by throwing an error.
  • It can stop confusing or badly thought-out code features.
  • It helps create secure JavaScript.

Disadvantages of Use Strict

  • Most commonly used functions are not present.
  • You cannot access the function, arguments or function caller.
  • You can face issues connecting scripts created using distinct strict modes.

32. Describe The Event Loop in Node.js.

We use the event loop for asynchronous programming in JavaScript. By using clever data structures, we create the impression of multi-threading. In JS, each operation is run on one thread. A listener or queue can handle the async work using the event loop.

As a result, the primary thread provides an asynchronous function to any other thread before execution. It enables the JavaScript Engine (v8) to carry on processing or code running. There are multiple phases in the event loop such as idle or preparing, timers, closing callbacks, pending callbacks, checking, and polling each having distinct First-In-First-Out (FIFO) queues.

33. What is Semantic HTML?

Also called semantic markup, it concerns the purpose of utilising HTML elements to denote what they represent. Semantic HTML adds meaning to a webpage in addition to its look.

For Example: the tag <p> denotes a paragraph contained within. The user understands it means paragraph, and the browser understands how to display the paragraph. Tags like <b> and <i> are not semantic. They only denote the look of a text and not any other information for the browser.

Some examples are header tags <h1> to <h6>, <blockquote>, <abbr>, <code>, <em>, etc.

34. Explain the Benefits of Semantic HTML.

Here are some best benefits of Semantic HTML:

  • It provides better communication and also extra information regarding the document.
  • The browser can identify the meaning of a webpage and its materials.
  • It provides additional hooks to style a page's content.
  • Search engines can make certain the correct pages are given for the queries using semantic tags.

35. Explain the Observer Pattern.

The observer pattern states a one-to-many dependency among objects. With it, when one object modifies its status, all other dependents also modify their statuses. An observer is an object watching over another object. In this case, the object being watched is the subject.

36. Differentiate between Normalisation and Denormalization.

Normalisation       Denormalization
Normalisation lowers data inconsistency and data redundancy from the table. Denormalization introduces data redundancy to the table for execution.
It retains data integrity. It does not retain data integrity.
The total amount of tables increases in normalisation. The total amount of tables decreases in normalisation.
It enhances the utilisation of disk space. It does not enhance the utilisation of disk space.

37. How do we prevent a connection leak in Java?

When a programmer does not stop the JDBC interlinking, a connection leak arises. We can simply close the connection to prevent a connection leak and provide better care to the error handling code. Connection Pool, like DBCP, is a common connection leak.

38. Explain the Differences Between Rolling Deployment and Blue-Green Deployment.

There are two environments in a blue-green deployment strategy – blue and green. The blue environment deals with quality testing and assurance. The green environment deals with the traffic guided towards it.

Rolling deployment strategy does not offer such staging environments. They just deploy modifications when needed to the running instances.

39. Differentiate Between Client-side & Server-side Scripting?

Server-side scripting       Client-side scripting
It involves writing codes for the server-based applications. It involves writing codes for the front-end applications.
The outcome of this coding is not displayed to the users. They can watch and interact with the outcomes of these coding.
This scripting enhances the utilisation of server properties. This scripting enhances the user experience and the look of an application.
HTML and CSS are some basic examples. PHP, Java, and ASP.NET are some basic examples.
Communication with servers is necessary. Communication with servers is not necessary.

40. How is Hibernate better than JDBC?

Hibernate has some advantages over JDBC, such as

  • JDBC API has boilerplate code that Hibernate does not provide.
  • Hibernate also provides associations, inheritance, and collections that are absent in JDBC.
  • It reduces the need to write many try-catch block codes.
  • Transaction management is an implicit feature of Hibernate.
  • It supports caching of queries that result in better performance, whereas JDBC does not support caching.
  • The object-oriented Hibernate Query Language (HQL) is better than Java.

41. How to Avoid Deadlock in Java?

  • Don't use unnecessary locks. Avoid using locks for members where it is not needed. It may result in a deadlock. To prevent this situation, make sure the code is free from any locks. For example, using ConcurrentLinkedQueue in place of a synchronized ArrayList. A lock-free data structure is recommended.
  • Deadlock also occurs when we have given one lock to a thread and try to give another lock to a different thread. Avoid providing locks to multiple threads. It may result in a nesting situation.
  • Allocate numbers to every lock. This way, you can request the lock accordingly. A great habit is to gain a lock with a lesser numeric value than a higher numeric value.
  • Specifying the time required by a thread to gain a lock is also an excellent practice. If the thread fails to gain the lock, it has to wait for some period before it can retry gaining the lock.
  • A deadlock may occur when two threads are using 'thread. join' and are waiting for the other to finish. They may wait forever for each other. The best way out of it is using the join function with the most wait time given to the thread to finish.

42. Differentiate Between ServletContext & ServletConfig.

ServletContext       ServletConfig
ServletContext shows an entire website app operating on a certain JVM and is shared by all servlets The ServletConfig object displays only a single servlet.
It functions similarly to a global parameter that is used throughout by the program. It is identical to the local parameter linked with a certain servlet.
getServletContext() method can acquire the context object. getServletConfig() method can obtain the config object.
The servlet context object stores the data on the MIME file type or app session. Because a user's shopping cart is unique to that person, we may utilize the servlet config here.
Since it has reached the application, we should define an outer servlet tag in the web.xml file. Since it is a name-value combination specified by the servlet portion of web.xml documents, it has servlet-wide scope.

43. Differentiate Between Fail-Fast and Fail-Safe Iterators.

Fail-Fast Iterator       Fail-Safe Iterator
It functions on the collection directly. It works with a cloned version of the collection.
When updating the object over the iteration process, it throws a ConcurrentModificationException. It doesn't invoke an exception.
No clone objects are produced during the iteration phase. During the iteration procedure, a replica or clone object is made.
Some examples are ArrayList, HashMap, HashSet, and Vector. Examples include ConcurrentHashMap, CopyOnWriteArrayList, and others.
We can run modifications during the iteration procedure. We cannot run modifications during the iteration procedure.
It needs a bit of memory over the process. It needs more memory over the process.
It is a fast iterator. It is slower than Fail-Fast.

44. Explain Event Capturing and Bubbling in JavaScript.

Event Bubbling and Event Capturing are methods of event propagation in HTML API when an event occurs in an element contained within another section. Both components have a handle associated with the most recent Event.

The sequence in which the elements get the Event is determined by the event propagation method. The event is first caught and processed by the innermost portion before being propagated through the outermost portion.

45. What is Docker?

It is a simple tool for running virtual machines in the cloud. Although they are not exactly independent computers and do not require a computer's operating system to run, they provide several advantages.

We may use them to design test blocks to facilitate continuous integration testing throughout the deployment. It may also encase legacy programs, allowing them to be distributed on servers that would otherwise be difficult to set up.

46. Differentiate Between Git Pull and Git Fetch.

Git Fetch is a command that informs the local repository when updates are accessible from the remote repository but does not copy these modifications to the local repository. Git Pull, on the other hand, copies the changes to the remote directory into the local repository.

Git Fetch       Git Pull
Provides details about a new modification from a remote repository with no integration with the current branch. Brings every modification from a remote repository and integrate them with the current branch.
Repository data is processed in the (.git directory). The local repository is processed right away.
Does not have merge conflicts. When local and remote repositories perform modifications simultaneously, merge conflicts can arise.
Git fetch effectively imports commits to local branches to keep track of what everyone is working on. Git Pull essentially replaces the local branch with the remote copy, which also updates the other remote-tracking branches.
We can review the changes and commits beforehand. We cannot review the changes and commits beforehand as it updates instantly.
Git fetch command: git fetch\. Git pull command: git pull\\

47. Explain Promise and Its States.

Callback functions are procedures that can be provided as arguments to another function and performed to finish a routine or operation. Because those routines are interdependent, having numerous callback functions stacked on so many levels might grow rather complicated. This is described as " Callback Hell."

An alternative used in JavaScript to handle asynchronous functions is promised. They can handle numerous asynchronous functions. They also provide improved error handling. When a code has numerous asynchronous functions, promises are proven to be an enhanced way of efficiently and effectively reading the code.

The Promise object reflects an asynchronous function's outcome (or failure) and its resultant value. The promise can be found in one of three states:

  • Pending: In its original condition, it is neither completed nor dismissed.
  • Fulfilled: This indicates that the process was a success.
  • Rejected: Indicates that the procedure was unsuccessful.

48. How would you prevent your publicly accessible API from being scraped by a bot?

It is not entirely possible to prevent your publicly accessible API from being scraped by a bot as long as your API information is publicly available. We can lower bot movement by rare limiting or throttling it.

Rare limiting can restrict a certain device from sending a limitless amount of requests within a specified time frame. An HTTP error gets raised if too many requests are performed over the given limit.

It is critical to capture more than just the device's IP address since this information is not unique for every device and can prevent the entire network from using the API.

Full-Stack Developer Interview Process

The process for conducting full stack developer interview questions in most companies is divided into three rounds - the introduction, paired programming, and questions & answers.

Round 1:- Introduction

You'll either have face-to-face or phone interviews. This is where you introduce yourself and discuss your experience and skills. The interviewer will judge your fit for the role, so be prepared to communicate properly.


  • Be ready with some projects you have done or are currently doing, as the interviewer may ask questions based on your experience.
  • You must convey your answers clearly to the interviewer, so practise your communication skills.
  • Research the company and role beforehand, as the interviewer might check your knowledge of the company you will work for.

Round 2:- Pair Programming

Most programmers find this round very critical. They have to code in front of the interviewer and also explain the code to them. The interviewer checks problem-solving skills and how well you could work in a team. With some practice and tips shared below, you can learn to work under these pressure situations.


  • As this round involves being a team player, get a partner who is equivalently or more experienced than you to solve coding problems.
  • Practising coding with a partner will help you gain a better understanding of the problem and improve your interpersonal skills.
  • Take feedback from them and listen carefully. As they have more experience, their input is valuable.

Round 3:- Q&A

This round is basically to discuss the job-related aspects. You can expect full stack interview questions about past experiences, achievements, etc. The interviewer will also detail the company, your role, and what is expected of you, so everyone is on the same page.

Best Tips To Crack Full Stack Developer Interview

Cracking a technical coding round requires comprehending the problem, finding a solution, and explaining the process to an interviewer. An adequately done practice can help you handle any question in an interview. Here are a few points that you can follow to get ahead of a full stack developer interview:-

1. Get basic knowledge

Master the fundamentals of HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and more languages, and sharpen your skills. You can prepare by understanding the basics of OOPs (Object-Oriented Programming), data structures, control flow, and string manipulation. As almost all languages have the same structure, it is beneficial to master just one programming language.

You don't need to prepare yourself thoroughly but sharpen your coding skills. Your fundamental knowledge is what the interviewers check. They'll often ask the simplest full stack interview questions, as most candidates get stuck on the basic aspects of programming. So make sure you hone your basics.

2. Practice

The interviewer wants to check your coding proficiency. They will examine how you approach a problem on the spot. Practising some online coding exercises will surely help you to deal with such situations. You may become familiar with problem-solving approaches and develop essential skills.

While appearing for full stack developer interview questions, you may experience some unfamiliar coding environments (IDEs). Practice without helpful dual-screen setups, dotfile alias, or key bindings. You can also ask the interviewer which language you must prepare beforehand.

3. Identify important skills

A full-stack developer must have knowledge of different languages and platforms. Before practising online coding problems, start researching the most demanded skills by employers. That way, you may free up time to focus your education on important areas.

To upskill yourself, you can sharpen your knowledge of relevant technologies. There are online assignments you can take so you can improve your skills.

4. Prepare for assignments and challenges.

Assignments you can complete from home are part of tech-related full stack developer interview questions. You may use Stack Overflow, Google, etc., alongside a dev station. Such assignments usually require some hours to almost two days to complete. You can finish the task at your own pace.

Building challenges to test your development skills. Your task is to build an application from scratch using some given set of requirements. You should understand the workings of the application's stacks. You can work on projects to gain an understanding of the correlation between frontend, backend, and UI.

5. Debugging and Testing

Many candidates overlook this aspect of programming. However, preparing to test and debug a code can take you ahead of others in the interviews. Gain knowledge of automation testing, continuous integration, and debugging code, as most top software companies require this specification. You can expect a sample code in interviews to check your debugging capabilities.

All of these skills will definitely assist you in attaining and becoming a demanding full-stack developer of the era.

Drawing the conclusion…

Cracking full stack developer interview questions is easy; with enough practice, you can confidently pass the test. As the job market is competitive, you need the right mentor who can guide you through the fundamentals with ease.

You can follow the tips and tricks mentioned to prepare for full-stack interview questions efficiently. To be confidently prepared for MNC full stack developer interview questions, you should join a job-assisted Full Stack Software Development Program. These courses can help you study for an interview with experts. If you're stuck in any part, you can always get help from a mentor. You can rely on their expertise to get you through the questions.

Start studying, and best of luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the average salary of a full stack developer in India ?

The salary for full stack developers is essentially differentiated based on skills, working location (cities), companies, and years of experience in a relevant field. Below, we have mentioned a few stats on full stack developers' average salary, which will provide you with a better understanding :

  • Full Stack Developers (Freshers) with 1-2 years of Experience:

Salary Package will be between 4-6 LPA (INR)

  • Full Stack Developers (Intermediate) with 2-5 years of Experience:

Salary Package will be between 6- 16 LPA (INR)

  • Full Stack Developers (Intermediate) with 6+ years of Experience:

Salary Package will be between 12-30 LPA (INR)

2. Which is Better - MERN or Full-Stack?

MERN Stack is only used for web development by full-stack web developers. MERN Stack is best suited for small projects such as one-page or smartphone apps. Full stack software developers are well-versed in all aspects of the software development process.

3. Why Should You Become Full-Stack Developer?

  • High in Demand
  • Better career prospects, ample alternative openings
  • Creative and Flexibility within the work
  • Higher productivity scope
  • Comparatively better job security

4. What is Full Stack Development?

Full stack development is the process of top to bottom development of a software application, which includes front-end and back-end processes.

5. What are the various types of Full Stack Development?

Here are the main types of full-stack development:

  • LAMP Stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)
  • MEAN Stack (MongoDB, Express, Angular.js, Node.js)
  • MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express, Node.js, React)

6. What are the most important skills of a full stack web developer?

Skills in front-end frameworks and languages (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript), backend frameworks and technologies (NodeJS, ExpressJS, C++), database management systems (MySQL, Oracle Database, and MongoDB), version control, and web hosting platforms are necessary.

7. Which are the best online courses to become a full stack developer?

Learnbay's Full Stack Software Development Course provides adequate knowledge and practice for learners. Along with that, it has a streamlined course module and globally renowned certifications from (IBM and Microsoft).

8. What are the best companies to work for Full Stack Web Developers?

Top Companies for Full-Stack Web and Software Developers are as follows:

  • IBM
  • TCS
  • Accenture
  • Amazon
  • Infosys
  • Oracle
  • Cognizant
  • Capgemini
  • Wipro

9. What are the different types of full stack development?

Types of Full Stack Developments as follows:

  • MEAN Stack
  • MERN Stack
  • Full Stack Python
  • Full Stack Ruby on Rail
  • Full Stack Django
  • LEMP Stack
  • LAMP Stack
  • Full Stack JAVA
  • Full Stack Elixir